Rod Collins is a leading expert and thought leader on the future of business transformation. Rod’s books, blogs, and speeches inspire through their use of storytelling and leading-edge ideas.
As an author, Rod is continuously focused on pushing businesses to rethink the way they work, collaborate, and remain competitive in today’s marketplace. He has a regular column on Substack and is an award-winning author on management innovation. His books include Wiki Management, which highlights the innovative tools and practices of a revolutionary new management model, and Leadership in a Wiki World, which illustrates how leaders can leverage the power of collective intelligence to sustain extraordinary performance in rapidly changing markets. His latest book, Nobody Is Smarter Than Everybody spotlights three companies who grew from starts-ups to market leaders by building self-managed organizations where no one is a boss and everyone is a leader.
Much in demand for his insights on the future of management, Rod has appeared before thousands of people around the world. His keynote talks on transforming management and leveraging the power of collective intelligence have captivated people from a wide range of companies.
With his extensive experience in successfully applying the tools and practices of self-managed teams, Rod helps leaders build organizations that leverage the collective intelligence of teams to make better decisions and deliver extraordinary results. Rod limits his coaching practice to innovative leaders committed to learning the leadership skills needed to facilitate teams that excel at responding to rapid change.